26th April 2020

Six Must-Have Qualities of Amazing Dance Teachers

Although everyone can be a great dancer, not everyone has the aptitude and skills to be an effective dance teacher. This is because teaching involves more than choreographing several dance moves and expecting the artists to follow suit. It takes a lot of experience and patience to mould awkward beginners into expert professionals that can showcase their skills to the world. Read on to know the five qualities of the best dance instructors.


When it comes to teaching dance, you want an instructor who really loves whatever they are doing. Being passionate will make a difference in how they handle their job. When a teacher is passionate, he/she will know how to make lessons interesting. This will make the dancers look forward to their lessons.


Being a good dancer does not automatically translate to a good instructor. Although it is never a requirement to hire dance teachers who possess certifications, the best teachers will go an extra mile in their education. The best instructors are life-long learners who look for ways to improve their dance skills. Having advanced credentials in dance enables instructors to be more confident and it improves the quality of instruction.


Patience is an important virtue that great dance instructors must possess. This is because teaching can be quite overwhelming. Students will have varying skill levels irrespective of their age. A dance teacher must be patient with students who learn slowly or lag behind. The best teachers will never lose motivation and will adjust to the demands of every dancer.


Great instructors will not just look the part, but they will also act the part. When dancing instructors are professional, they will dress appropriately, have a positive attitude, and show up on time. Nobody wants to be taught by an instructor that does not take every class seriously. For most people, dancing is a lifestyle and the teacher must show respect for dance in the way that he/she acts in class, talks, and interacts with students.


When it comes to dance lessons, you expect organization from the instructor. This means that every lesson should be tailored to support a progressive form of learning where students are taught the basics that form the foundation for future lessons. Nobody wants dance lessons involving random sets of choreographed dance moves that will not bear fruits. An organized and effective instructor understands that the body requires time to gradually adapt to new choreography.

Flexibility and sensitivity

When it comes to dance lessons, you expect organization from the instructor. This means that every lesson should be tailored to support a progressive form of learning where students are taught the basics that form the foundation for future lessons. Nobody wants dance lessons involving random sets of choreographed dance moves that will not bear fruits. An organized and effective instructor understands that the body requires time to gradually adapt to new choreography.
The best dance instructors know how to be kind and understanding and demanding and strict whenever necessary. They know how to handle students who have different learning paces and varying skill levels. The above-mentioned are some of the must-have attributes that aspiring professional dancers should expect from their dance instructors.

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